
Столична районна колегия: www.bzs-srk.bg/

Български Зъболекарски Съюз: bzs.bg

Районна колегия - Бургас:  www.bzsrkburgas.com

Районна колегия - Смолян: www.bzs-sm.com

Сайтове на институции, свързани с дейността на БЗС:

Министерство на здравеопазването: www.mh.government.bg

Министерство на образованието: www.minedu.government.bg

Министерски съвет: www.government.bg

Президенство: www.president.bg

Парламент: www.parliament.bg

Национален осигурителен институт: www.nssi.bg

Национална здравноосигурителна каса: http://www.nhif.bg/

Районна здравноосигурителна каса - гр. Пловдив: http://plovdiv.nhif.bg/

Национален център по здравна информация /НЦЗИ/: www.nchi.government.bg

Национален център по опазване на общественото здраве: www.nchmen.government.bg

Изпълнителна агенция за здраве и потребители към Европейската комисия: www.ec.europa.eu/eahc/ 

 Сайтове на дентални дружества, сдружения, асоциации в България и чужбина:


Български Лекарски Съюз: www.blsbg.com

Български Фармацевтичен Съз: www.bphu.bg

Съюз на зъботехниците в България: www.szb-bg.org/

 Българска асоциация на медицинските сестри, акушерките и асоциираните медицински специалисти: www.nursing-bg.com

 Българско Общество по Пародонтология и Орална Имплантология: www.bopoi.com/index.html

 Сдружение на Българските Зъболекари: www.abdentist.com

 Българска Академия по Естетична Стоматология: www.baed-bg.com

Българска Академия по Дентална Козметика: www.bgacd.com

 Българска Асоциация по Орална Имплантология: www.oral-implant.net

Българско Ендодонтско Общество: www.beo-bg.org/bg/

Българско Ортодонтско Общество: www.blgos.org


Balkan Stomatological Society: www.e-bass.org

FDI World Dental Federation: www.fgiworldental.org

World Health Organization: www.who.int/en/

*                African Regional Organisation (FDI)/The South African Dental Association - www.sadanet.co.za

*               American Dental Association - www.ada.org

*               American Dental Hygienists Association - www.adha.org

*             American Dental Society of Europe - www.adse.co.uk

*               Argentine Dental Association (in Spanish) - www.aoa@aoa.org.ar/index2.html

*               Asia Pacific Dental Federation (APDF) – www.apdf.info

*               Association of Consultants and Specialists in Restorative Dentistry (ACSRD) -     www.restdent.org.uk

*               Australasian Osseointegration Society – www.aos.org.au

*               Australian Dental Association - www.ada.org.au/_home.asp

*               Australian Dental Hygienists Association - www.dhaa.asn.au

*               Australian Dental Industry Association – www.adia.org.au

*              Australian and New Zealand Society of Paediatric Dentistry - www.ada.org.uk/ANZSPD.asp

*              Austrian Dental Association - www.aedk.at/www/default.html

*               Behavorial Science and Health Services Research Group -   http://depts.washington.edu/dphs/bshsr/

*               British Academy of Aesthetic Dentistry (BAAD) - www.baad.org.uk

*               British Association of Dental Nurses (BADN) - www.badn.org.uk

            British Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons (BAOMS) - www.baoms.org.uk

*                British Dental Association (BDA) - www.bda-dentistry.org.uk

*               British Dental Health Foundation (BDHF) - www.dentalhealth.org.uk

Brit      British Dental Hygienists Association ( BDHA) - www.bdha.org.uk 

           British Endododontic Society (BES) - www.britishendodonticsociety.org

Brir        British Dental Trade Association (BDTA) - www.bdta.org.uk

*               British Institute of Dental and Surgical Techologists (BIDST) - www.bidst.mmu.ac.uk  

Bri       British Lingual Orthodontic Society (BLOS) - www.blos.co.uk

Brir         British Orthododntic Society (BOS) -  www.bos.org.uk

Brit         Briritsh Society for Dental Research (BSDR) - www.bsdr.org.uk

Brit         Brirtishsh Society for Disability and Oral Health ( BSDH) - www.bsdh.org.uk

Brit         Brirtish Society for Restorative Dentistry ( BSRD) - www.bsrd.org

Brit         British Society for the Sdudy of Prosthetic Dentistry ( BSSRD) - www.bsspd.org

 Bri         British Society  of Medical and Dental Hypnosis (BSMDH) -  www.bsmdh.org

Brit         British Society of Periodontology ( BSP) - www.bsperio.org

Ca         Canadian Dental Association- www.Cda-ada.ca/English/contact_cda/default.asp

Ca         Canadian Dental Higienists Association - www.cdha.ca

Co         Commonwealth Dental Association - www.cdauk.com

 Da        Danish Dental Association - www.dis.uu.se/mdi/research/prjects/orquest/DDA.html

 Da        Danish Dental Hygienists Association - www.dansktp.dk


 Bri    British Institute of Dental and Surgical Technologists (BIDST) - www.bidst.mmu.ac.uk
  British Lingual Orthodontic Society (BLOS) - www.blos.co.uk
  British Orthodontic Society (BOS) - www.bos.org.uk
  British Society for Dental Research (BSDR) - www.bsdr.org.uk
  British Society for Disability and Oral Health (BSDH) - www.bsdh.org.uk
  British Society for Restorative Dentistry (BSRD) - www.bsrd.org
  British Society for the Study of Prosthetic Dentistry (BSSPD) - www.bsspd.org
  British Society of Medical and Dental Hypnosis (BSMDH) - www.bsmdh.org
  British Society of Periodontology (BSP) - www.bsperio.org
  Canadian Dental Association - www.Cda-ada.ca/English/contact_cda/default.asp
  Canadian Dental Hygienists Association www.cdha.ca
  Commonwealth Dental Association – www.cdauk.com
  Danish Dental Association - www.dis.uu.se/mdi/research/prjects/orquest/DDA.html
  Danish Dental Hygienists Association - www.dansktp.dk
  Dental Laboratories Association (DLA) - www.dla.org.uk
  Dental Students Scientific Association – www.dssa-egypt.com
  Dental Technicians Association (DTA) - www.dta-uk.org
  Dutch Dental Hygienists Association - www.mondhygienisten.nl
  European Academy of Paediatric Dentistry – www.eapd.gr
  European Association for Osseointegration – www.eao.org
  European Federation for the Advancement of Anesthesia in Dentistry (EFAAD) - www.efaad.org
  European Federation of Oral Surgery Societies (EFOSS) - www.abcdent.fr/annonceurs/scientifique/287
  European Oragnisation for Caries Research - www.orca-caries-research.org
  European Society of Dental Ergonomics – www.esde.org
  FDI World Dental Federation – www.fdiworldental.org
  Federation de l’Industrie Dentaire en Europe (FIDA) – www.fide-online.org
  General Dental Council (GDC) - www.gdc-uk.org
  General Dental Practitioners Association (GDPA) - www.gdpa.org.uk
  German Dental Hygienists Association - www.ddhv.de
  Hong Kong Dental Association - www.hkda.org
  Indian Dental Association - www.ida.org.in
  International Association for Dental Research - www.dentalresearch.org
  International Association for Disability and Oral Health – www.iadh.org
  International Association of Dental Students (IADS) – www.IADS-web.org
  International Association of Paediatric Dentistry (IAPD) - www.iapd.org.uk
  International Dental Foundation – www.idfdentalconference.com
  International Dental Manufacturers (IDM) – www.idm-vox.org
  International Federation of Dental Hygienists – www.Ifdh.org
  International Federation of Oral Medicine – www.eastman.ucl.ac.uk
  Iranian Dental Association - www.idac.net or www.irandental.org
  Irish Dental Association - www.dentist.ie
  Irish Dental Hygienists Association - www.irishdentalhygienists.com
  Israeli Dental Hygienists Association - www.idha.org.il
  Israeli Dentist Association - www.ida.org.il
  Jamaica Dental Association - www.jamaicadentalassn.com
  Japan Dental Association - www.jda.or.jp
  Japanese Dental Hygienists Association - www.jdha.or.jp
  Japanese Orthodontic Society - www.jos.gr.jp/eng
  Korean Dental Association - www.kda.or.kr/KDA/modules/English/SiteLink
  Kuwait Dental Association - www.kda.org.kw
  Lebanese Dental Association - www.lda.org.lb
  Macau Dental Association - www.macaudental.com
  Malaysian Dental Association - www.mda.org.my
  Myanmar Dental Association - www.myanmarembassyparis.com/mnb/no31/health.htm
  Namibian Dental Association - www.mbendi.co.za/orgs/ckko.htm
  Nepal Dental Association - www.nda.org.no or www.geocities.com/fdindia2003
  New Zealand Dental Association - www.nzda.org.nz
  Norwegian Dental Hygienists Association - www.tannpleier.no
  Pakistan Dental Association - www.pda.org.pk
  Pan American Health Organisations (PAHO) – www.paho.org
  Phillippines Dental Association - www.pda.org.ph
  Portuguese Dental Hygienists Association - www.apho.pt
  Romanian Dental Association - www.dental.ro
  School of Dental Medicine in the Hebrew University in Jerusalem - dental.huji.ac.il
  Singapore Dental Association - www.sda.org.sg
  Society for the Advancement of Anaesthesia in Dentistry (SAAD) - www.saaduk.org
  Society for the Advancement of Anaesthesia in Dentistry – www.saaduk.org
  South African Dental Association - www.sadanet.co.za
  South African Dental Hygienists Association - www.ohasanet.co.za
  Sri Lanka Dental Association - www.fdiworldental.org/srilanka
  St. Barth Dental Association - www.stbarthdental.com
  Stomatological Society of Greece - www.mednet.gr/stomsoc/society-en.htm
  Swedish Dental Association - www.tandlakarforbundet.se/eng
  Swedish Dental Hygienists Association - www.tandhygienistforening.a.se
  Swiss Dental Hygienists Association - www.dentalhygienists.ch
  TMJ Association, The - www.tmj.org
  The Orthodontic National Group - www.orthodontic-ong.co.uk
  Toothfriendly Sweets International – www.toothfriendly.ch
  Turkish Dental Association - www.tdb.org.tr/english.html
  Ukrainian Dental Association - www.ukrdental.com/eng/sc.shtm







Уважаеми колеги, поради отпуск, офисът на РК на БЗС-Пловдив ще бъде затворен от 27.12.2024г. до 31.12.2024г. Моля, заповядайте на 02.01.2025г., четвъртък! Топли и уютни празници!